Agent - 24.3 (LTS)

Agent Download

To download the Agent, click here. For a list of Agent x SBE compatibilities, click here.

Agent Changes

Agent 24.3.3

  • Fixed security vulnerabilities.

Agent 24.3.2

  • Support inserting financial instruments (enhanced tags) in MessageML using our financial instrument resolver. Stocks, ETFs, Indices and Currency pairs are supported. More information is available in Tags.

Changes introduced since last LTS version

  • Fix a case where invalid session does not return the right HTTP 401, when cryptoV2 enabled.

  • Enriched error when timing out on sending a message.

  • Support for attachments when updating a message.

  • Add to the real-time events the list of tenant identifiers (pods) where the event was distributed.

  • Fixed security vulnerabilities.

Last updated