Tags and mentions


MessageML supports the following tags to embed additional information into messages:



Optional attributes

<mention uid="123456789"/>

Insert a mention for the user whose Symphony userid is 123456789.

<mention email="user@music.org"/>

Insert a mention for the user whose email address is user@music.org.

strict=true, the API will throw an error if no user of that email address exists. (default) • strict=false . Message is accepted even if the user cannot be resolved.

<hash tag="label"/>

Insert "label" as a free-text hashtag.

<cash tag="ticker"/>

Insert "ticker" as a free-text cashtag. Important: when sending numeric cashtags as signals, add a * after the $ sign, for example, $_122450. <messageML> `<cash tag="$_122450"/> `\

Note: Cashtags are deprecated. Please use the <tag /> notation for financial instruments.

<tag />

Insert a financial instrument (enhanced tag) in your message, coming from our reference database.

The following instruments are supported: Stocks, ETFs, Indices and currency pairs. To identify an instrument, you'll need to provide at least one identifier (e.g. an ISIN), and optionally some filters if your identifier is not specific enough. You can also specify a fallback-ticker that will act as a free-text tag (workaround) if we are not able to find the instrument referenced.

More information on the new tags is available in the Enhanced tags notice.


  • fullbbgcompticker

  • figi

  • bbgcompticker

  • us-code

  • isin

  • local-code


  • instrument-class

  • bbgmarket-sector

  • return-main-listing

  • country-code

  • operational-mic


  • fallback-ticker

<chime />

Send a chime alert.

Note: No other content (even line breaks) is permitted with a <chime/> tag. Please see an example of the messageML to send a chime below.


Here after you can find an example of a message sent by a bot and containing these tags specific to Symphony as well as the structure of the messageML sent:


  <br/><span>Mention with an email: </span>
  <mention email="pierre.neu@symphony.com"/>
  <br/><span>Mention with a user Id: </span>
  <mention uid="71811853190567"/>

Free-text Tags

  <p>Hashtags: <hash tag="important"/><hash tag="stockmarket"/></p>
  <p>Legacy cashtags:	<cash tag="AAPL US"/> <cash tag="TSLA US"/></p>

Enhanced tags (Financial instruments)

Below several examples of financial instruments, using different types of identifiers and filters.

When identifiers and filters are not sufficient to identify a unique match, or when an instrument is not found in our reference database, an error is returned, except if a fallback-ticker is specified.

  <table class="pasted-table">
        <th>Identifiers and filters</th>
        <td><tag fullbbgcompticker="TSLA US Equity"/></td>
        <td># unique if found</td>
        <td><tag figi="BBG000N9P426" fallback-ticker="TSLA"/></td>
        <td># unique if found</td>
        <td>BBG Comp ticker on Market sector</td>
        <td><tag bbgcompticker="TSLA US" bbgmarket-sector="Equity" fallback-ticker="TSLA"/></td>
        <td># unique if found</td>
        <td>Figi ticker</td>
        <td><tag figi-ticker="TSLA UW" fallback-ticker="TSLA"/></td>
        <td># likely unique, may need filters</td>
        <td>BBG Comp ticker</td>
        <td><tag bbgcompticker="TSLA US" fallback-ticker="TSLA"/></td>
        <td># likely unique, may need filters</td>
        <td>US Code</td>
        <td><tag us-code="88160R101" fallback-ticker="TSLA"/></td>
        <td># likely NOT unique listing for stocks, need filters.</td>
        <td>US Code on Main listing</td>
        <td><tag us-code="88160R101" return-main-listing="true" fallback-ticker="TSLA"/></td>
        <td># ask SYM to return the instrument listed on primary exchange</td>
        <td><tag isin="US88160R1014" fallback-ticker="TSLA"/></td>
        <td># likely NOT unique listing for stocks, need filters.</td>
        <td>ISIN on Main listing</td>
        <td><tag isin="US88160R1014" return-main-listing="true" fallback-ticker="TSLA"/></td>
        <td># ask SYM to return the instrument listed on primary exchange</td>
        <td>Local code</td>
        <td><tag local-code="TSLA" fallback-ticker="TSLA"/></td>
        <td># likely NOT unique listing for stocks, need filters.</td>
        <td>Local code with Country</td>
        <td><tag local-code="TSLA" country-code="US" fallback-ticker="TSLA"/></td>
        <td># likely unique listing for US stocks</td>
        <td>Local code with MIC</td>
        <td><tag local-code="TSLA" operational-mic="XNAS" fallback-ticker="TSLA"/></td>
        <td># likely unique listing</td>
        <td>Local code with MIC and instrument class</td>
        <td><tag local-code="TSLA" operational-mic="XNAS" instrument-class="equity" fallback-ticker="TSLA"/></td>
        <td># likely unique listing</td>
        <td>Fallback ticker</td>
        <td><tag fallback-ticker="TSLA"/></td>
        <td>Always include a fall back to ensure the message will be accepted.</td>



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