Tags and mentions


MessageML supports the following tags to embed additional information into messages:


Here after you can find an example of a message sent by a bot and containing these tags specific to Symphony as well as the structure of the messageML sent:


  <br/><span>Mention with an email: </span>
  <mention email="pierre.neu@symphony.com"/>
  <br/><span>Mention with a user Id: </span>
  <mention uid="71811853190567"/>

Free-text Tags

  <p>Hashtags: <hash tag="important"/><hash tag="stockmarket"/></p>
  <p>Legacy cashtags:	<cash tag="AAPL US"/> <cash tag="TSLA US"/></p>

Enhanced tags (Financial instruments)

Below several examples of financial instruments, using different types of identifiers and filters.

When identifiers and filters are not sufficient to identify a unique match, or when an instrument is not found in our reference database, an error is returned, except if a fallback-ticker is specified.

  <table class="pasted-table">
        <th>Identifiers and filters</th>
        <td><tag fullbbgcompticker="TSLA US Equity"/></td>
        <td># unique if found</td>
        <td><tag figi="BBG000N9P426" fallback-ticker="TSLA"/></td>
        <td># unique if found</td>
        <td>BBG Comp ticker on Market sector</td>
        <td><tag bbgcompticker="TSLA US" bbgmarket-sector="Equity" fallback-ticker="TSLA"/></td>
        <td># unique if found</td>
        <td>Figi ticker</td>
        <td><tag figi-ticker="TSLA UW" fallback-ticker="TSLA"/></td>
        <td># likely unique, may need filters</td>
        <td>BBG Comp ticker</td>
        <td><tag bbgcompticker="TSLA US" fallback-ticker="TSLA"/></td>
        <td># likely unique, may need filters</td>
        <td>US Code</td>
        <td><tag us-code="88160R101" fallback-ticker="TSLA"/></td>
        <td># likely NOT unique listing for stocks, need filters.</td>
        <td>US Code on Main listing</td>
        <td><tag us-code="88160R101" return-main-listing="true" fallback-ticker="TSLA"/></td>
        <td># ask SYM to return the instrument listed on primary exchange</td>
        <td><tag isin="US88160R1014" fallback-ticker="TSLA"/></td>
        <td># likely NOT unique listing for stocks, need filters.</td>
        <td>ISIN on Main listing</td>
        <td><tag isin="US88160R1014" return-main-listing="true" fallback-ticker="TSLA"/></td>
        <td># ask SYM to return the instrument listed on primary exchange</td>
        <td>Local code</td>
        <td><tag local-code="TSLA" fallback-ticker="TSLA"/></td>
        <td># likely NOT unique listing for stocks, need filters.</td>
        <td>Local code with Country</td>
        <td><tag local-code="TSLA" country-code="US" fallback-ticker="TSLA"/></td>
        <td># likely unique listing for US stocks</td>
        <td>Local code with MIC</td>
        <td><tag local-code="TSLA" operational-mic="XNAS" fallback-ticker="TSLA"/></td>
        <td># likely unique listing</td>
        <td>Local code with MIC and instrument class</td>
        <td><tag local-code="TSLA" operational-mic="XNAS" instrument-class="equity" fallback-ticker="TSLA"/></td>
        <td># likely unique listing</td>
        <td>Fallback ticker</td>
        <td><tag fallback-ticker="TSLA"/></td>
        <td>Always include a fall back to ensure the message will be accepted.</td>



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