Agent - 20.9 (2.62)

This page describes the change log of the 20.9 (2.62) patch updates of the Agent service

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Agent Changes

Agent 2.62.7

  • Fixed Log4J critical security vulnerability (log4j v2.17).

  • Fixed bug where some of the Agent logs were sent to the standard error stream instead of the configured loggers.

Agent 2.62.4

  • Fixed agentservice/ceservice healthcheck

  • Fixed some vulnerable dependencies

Agent 2.62.3

  • Fixed some vulnerable dependencies (including upgrades of jackson and httpclient)

Agent 2.62.2

  • Removed the stack trace logging if log level is not set to "debug"

  • Increased the size of Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman Keys to 2048 by default

Agent 2.62.1

  • Fixed Docker image of the agent

  • Upgrade for library dependencies

Agent 2.62.0

  • Support of new Elements features (Expandable Card, Label and Tooltip)

    • Expandable card: new Expandable card with updated display. The card can have three different states, that can be set by the developer: collapsed, expanded but cropped, fully expanded. See how to use the expandable-card tag in Content Grouping specifications.

    • Label: it is now possible to set a Label associated with an element (text-field, masked text-field, textarea, dropdown, person selector) so the user can understand better the field meaning. This way the placeholder can focus on providing a hint of the expected format. See more details on how to use it in the documentation for specific elements supporting the label attribute under the Interactive Elements Forms section.

    • Tooltip: it is now possible to add a hint associated with an element (for text-field, masked text-field, textarea, dropdown, person selector) to provide more detailed information to the user on the meaning or expected value of an Element. See more details on how to use it in the documentation for specific elements supporting the title attribute under the Interactive Elements Forms section.

  • The following API endpoint has been created:

    • Blast Message to send a message to a list of streams (room, IM, MIM).

  • Removed a duplicated definition in swagger and moved some endpoints definition to the right swagger repository (see swagger link above)

  • Upgrade of library dependencies

Deprecation Notice


No Agent API was deprecated in Symphony version 20.9.

Last updated

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