Dropdown Menu

A dropdown menu is a static list of items that appears whenever a piece of text or a button is clicked. This is a graphical approach presented to users from which they can choose one or several values from the list presented.

A dropdown menu is also known as a pull-down menu, pull-down list, dropdown list or dropdown box.

The dropdown menu is represented by the <select> tag which provides a menu of <options>. Each <option> element should have a value attribute containing the data value to submit to the server when that option is selected; You can also include a selected attribute on an <option> element to make it selected by default when the page first loads.


Rules and Limitations

The <select> tag:

  • The <select> tag stands for our dropdown parent tag, which has <options> as its children; one for each select.

  • Select tags only accept <option> tags as children. The <select> tag must contain at least one <option> tag.

  • The only valid attributes of the <select> tag are name and required.

  • Note that, by default, Symphony users will only be able to select one option from the dropdown menu. However, using the attribute multiple set to true together with min and max attributes, users will be able to select several options from the dropdown. Please see below the examples to know how to use these attributes.

The <option> tag:

  • The <option> tag cannot have other <option> tags as children. The only valid child of a <option> tag is a text node, which specifies the text that will be displayed for that option inside the dropdown menu. The text node is also required.

  • The only valid attributes of the <option> tag are value and selected.

  • Only one <option> of a given select can have the attribute selected as true.

If neither the selected or data-placeholder attributes are set, the default text (title) of the dropdown menu will be "Dropdown".

Message Size Limit:


The following examples show dropdown menus being used as follows:

  • The first dropdown (init) shows how to display a default preselected option ("opt2": "With selected option"). Note that the preselected option is sent to the payload when submitting the form.

  • The second dropdown (data-placeholder) shows how a placeholder text ("Only data-placeholder") is displayed in the UI. Please note the placeholder text is not sent in the payload if no option from the dropdown menu has been selected by the enduser.

  • The third dropdown (noreq) shows how a user can interact with a non-required field. Even no option is selected by the user, it does not prevent the enduser from submitting the form.

  • The fourth dropdown (req) shows the behaviour of the unique required field of the form, which cannot be submitted in case no option from the dropdown menu is selected by the user; an error is displayed under the field in case the user submits the form with this empty field.

  • The fifth dropdown (label) shows how a label text ("My Label") is displayed.

  • The sixth dropdown (tooltip) shows how a title text ("My Tooltip/n With a second line") is inserted in the UI under the (i) icon, and how the text entered in the title parameter is displayed when the enduser clicks on the icon.

  • The seventh dropdown (multiple) shows how to combine multiple attribute with min/max rules to guide users selecting between 3 and 5 options.

  <form id="form_id">
    <h2>dropdown menus</h2>
      <select name="init"><option value="opt1">Unselected option 1</option><option value="opt2" selected="true">With selected option</option><option value="opt3">Unselected option 2</option></select>
      <select name="data-placeholder" data-placeholder="Only data-placeholder"><option value="opt1">Unselected option 1</option><option value="opt2">Unselected option 2</option><option value="opt3">Unselected option 3</option></select>
      <select name="noreq" data-placeholder="Not required"><option value="opt1">First</option><option value="opt2">Second</option><option value="opt3">Third</option></select>
      <select name="req" required="true" data-placeholder="Required"><option value="opt1">First</option><option value="opt2">Second</option><option value="opt3">Third</option></select>
      <select name="label" label="My Label" data-placeholder="With Label"><option value="opt1">Unselected option 1</option><option value="opt2">Unselected option 2</option><option value="opt3">Unselected option 3</option></select>
      <select name="tooltip" title="My Tooltip\n With a second line" data-placeholder="With Tooltip"><option value="opt1">Unselected option 1</option><option value="opt2">Unselected option 2</option><option value="opt3">Unselected option 3</option></select>
      <select name="multiple" label="With multiple select options - between 3 and 5" multiple="true" min="3" max="5"><option value="opt1" selected="true">Preselected option 1</option><option value="opt2" selected="true">Preselected option 2</option><option value="opt3" selected="true">Preselected option 3</option><option value="opt4">Unselected option 4</option><option value="opt5">Unselected option 5</option><option value="opt6">Unselected option 6</option></select>
      <button name="dropdown">Submit</button>

Versions and Compatibility

Last updated