The BDK is a library of tools and intelligent API bindings that provides an ultra simplified configuration and authentication setup, intuitive message and room management, customizable message templating, and a new activities API that makes it easy to facilitate bot workflows. The BDK and bot project generated by the Symphony Generator makes it super easy to get started!
To begin let's open up the code generated for you by the Symphony Generator in your favorite IDE. Navigate to the file:;importcom.symphony.bdk.core.SymphonyBdk;importcom.symphony.bdk.core.service.datafeed.RealTimeEventListener;importcom.symphony.bdk.core.service.message.model.Message;importcom.symphony.bdk.gen.api.model.V4Initiator;importcom.symphony.bdk.gen.api.model.V4UserJoinedRoom;importcom.symphony.bdk.template.api.Template;importorg.slf4j.Logger;importorg.slf4j.LoggerFactory;importstaticcom.symphony.bdk.core.config.BdkConfigLoader.loadFromClasspath;importstaticcom.symphony.bdk.core.activity.command.SlashCommand.slash;importstaticjava.util.Collections.emptyMap;importstaticjava.util.Collections.singletonMap;/** * Simple Bot Application. */publicclassBotApplication { /** The Logger */privatestaticfinalLogger log =LoggerFactory.getLogger(BotApplication.class);publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args) throwsException {// Initialize BDK entry pointfinalSymphonyBdk bdk =newSymphonyBdk(loadFromClasspath("/config.yaml"));// Register a "slash" activitybdk.activities().register(slash("/gif",false, context -> {Template template =bdk.messages().templates().newTemplateFromClasspath("/templates/gif.ftl");bdk.messages().send(context.getStreamId(),Message.builder().template(template).build()); }));// Register a "formReply" activity that handles the Gif category form submissionbdk.activities().register(newGifFormActivity(bdk.messages()));// Subscribe to 'onUserJoinedRoom' Real Time Eventbdk.datafeed().subscribe(newRealTimeEventListener() { @OverridepublicvoidonUserJoinedRoom(V4Initiator initiator,V4UserJoinedRoom event) {finalString userDisplayName =event.getAffectedUser().getDisplayName();Template template =bdk.messages().templates().newTemplateFromClasspath("/templates/welcome.ftl");bdk.messages().send(event.getStream(),Message.builder().template(template,singletonMap("name", userDisplayName)).build()); } });// finally, start the datafeed read loopbdk.datafeed().start(); }}
Let's take a closer look at the code responsible for sending Symphony Elements in our
// Register a "slash" activitybdk.activities().register(slash("/gif",false, context -> {Template template =bdk.messages().templates().newTemplateFromClasspath("/templates/gif.ftl");bdk.messages().send(context.getStreamId(),Message.builder().template(template).build());}));// Register a "formReply" activity that handles the Gif category form submissionbdk.activities().register(newGifFormActivity(bdk.messages()));
Here we are using the Activities API to register a new slash command that listens to "/gif". To learn more about creating your own slash commands or how to leverage the Activities API, continue here. If an incoming message contains ("/gif), the bot builds a new message template which is provided out of the box for you:
The above freemarker template contains messageML that represents a Symphony Element. To learn more about Symphony Elements, continue here. When a message is sent to the bot containing "/gif" the following Symphony Element is sent to the user in the conversation or stream in context:
Bots need someway to capture the data submitted within this form. Bots can easily do so by registering a new type of Activity class:
// Register a "formReply" activity that handles the Gif category form submissionbdk.activities().register(newGifFormActivity(bdk.messages()));
Open up your GifFormActivity class. Here you will see that GifFormActivity extends the FormReplyActivity class. A form activity is only triggered when an end-user replies or submits an Elements form. To learn more about creating your own FormReplyActivity classes, continue here.
Using the context variable, your bot can access information about the context of the form submission including the form values and the form Id. To learn more about using FormReplyActivities, continue here.
Inside of the matcher() function, the bot is performing a validation check. If the formId of the submitted form is equal to "gif-category-form", then the bot calls the onActivity() trigger function and executes its business logic. If there is not a match, the bot does nothing and continues to listen for incoming events. As we see in our gif.ftl template above, the formId matches, so the following onActivity() trigger function executed:
Run your bot and execute the following to see it in action:
3. Next Steps
Above, we showed you a simple example of how to leverage the BDK and Symphony Elements to build an interactive bot. To understand more advanced usage of the BDK, continue on to our dedicated BDK Certification course: