Application Manifest Bundle

Each application's metadata is represented by a manifest file called bundle.json. You must create a manifest file for your application and submit it to either your pod administrator for internal apps, or Symphony for apps meant for the public marketplace.

To create and upload a file:

  1. Create the manifest file that your application requires.

  2. Upload the manifest file to Symphony: drag and drop the file into the application creation window of the administrative portal.

Application Manifest Bundle File Sample

The following bundle file is only applied for Developer Mode. Note that it is an array of apps, allowing you to load multiple apps at once.

  "applications": [
      "type": "sandbox",
      "id": "hello",
      "name": "Hello World",
      "blurb": "This is a hello world app with a few example extension API invocations!",
      "publisher": "Symphony",
      "url": "https://localhost:4000/controller.html",
      "domain": "localhost",
      "icon": "https://localhost:4000/icon.png"

AC Portal x Developer Mode

In the following examples, the bundle files are applied for the AC Portal. Note that they are different than the one applied for Developer Mode.

      "appGroupId": "testapplication",
      "name": "Application name",
      "description": "Enter the application description, as it will appear in the Symphony Market",
      "publisher": "Symphony",
      "loadUrl": "",
      "domain": "",
      "iconUrl": "",
      "notification": {
         "url": "",
         "apiKey": "super-secret-key" 
      "permissions": [
      "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIICpTCCAY2gAwIBAgIBATANBgkqhk...sCPV2jH\n0hFUK5JHPrGO\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n",
      "allowOrigins": "",
      "rsaKey": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIICIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAg8AMIICCgKCAgEA1QGTGazbI/\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----"

Fields details

The table describes the required and additional optional fields.

Last updated