Symphony URI for Mobile (deprecated)

Following the introduction of universal URIs that work both on desktop and mobile, mobile-specific URIs are deprecated. URIs defined below will continue to work, but for any new integration, please use the universal URIs defined here.

The symphony: URI can be used to launch the Symphony iOS application from another iOS app.

Launch the Symphony iOS app with a chat from another app

  • username is the Symphony username of the person with whom the user wants to start/continue a 1-1 chat.

  • name is an optional parameter used to specify the first and last name of the person with whom the user wants to start/continue a 1-1 chat. This will be used for a fallback option if no user with the provided username can be found.


When the app is launched with the above URL, the UI should pop to the root view controller (if necessary) and then automatically go to a 1-1 chat with the user John Smith.

  • If a 1-1 with the user john.smith already exists, all the conversation history is expected to be present.

  • If a 1-1 conversation with the user john.smith doesn't exist yet, a new 1-1 conversation is created.

  • If there is no such user with the username john.smith, the user is directed to a global search on the People tab with the search text field pre-populated with the user's full name.

Last updated

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