Getting Started with WDK

The Workflow Developer Kit (WDK) accelerates building of workflows using a low-code environment with an optional graphical interface

Deployment Options

WDK offers a number of deployment options depending on your organization requirements and preferences:

1. Docker

The easiest way to get started is by using the WDK Docker image. This will require Docker Desktop to be installed but no other tooling is necessary.

If you wish to run WDK Studio, the graphical interface for WDK, then the WDK Studio Docker image is the only deployment option supported.

2. JAR

You can also download the latest JAR from the Releases page on the WDK repository. This will require a local Java runtime (11+) to be installed for launching the JAR, but no compilation is necessary.

3. Project

The last option involves a complete project where gradle is used to obtain the JAR and also to build custom activities. This approach is only for advanced use where WDK needs to be extended with custom behaviour.

Generate Project

The Symphony Generator offers a fast way to bootstrap your Symphony WDK project.

Prerequisite: Install NodeJS first, either directly or via nvm

$ npm i -g yo @finos/generator-symphony
$ mkdir wdk-bot && cd $_
$ yo @finos/symphony

This will prompt you with a number of questions about your bot and pod configuration. Type in your bot's information, using arrow keys to scroll and press enter to move on to the next prompt.

 __   __     ___                 _
 \ \ / /__  / __|_  _ _ __  _ __| |_  ___ _ _ _  _
  \ V / _ \ \__ \ || | '  \| '_ \ ' \/ _ \ ' \ || |
   |_|\___/ |___/\_, |_|_|_| .__/_||_\___/_||_\_, |
                 |__/      |_|                |__/

Welcome to Symphony Generator v2.7.1
Application files will be generated in folder: /home/user/code/wdk-bot
? Enter your pod host
? Enter your bot username wdk-bot
? Select your type of application Workflow Application (WDK) Docker

Generating RSA keys...
   create symphony/publickey.pem
   create symphony/privatekey.pem
   create symphony/application.yaml

No change to package.json was detected. No package manager install will be executed.

You can now update the service account wdk-bot with the following public key on :


Your workflow bot has been successfully generated !


The WDK is built on top of the BDK for Java Spring Starter, so the BDK configuration options will all still apply to WDK instances.

There is also WDK-specific configuration:

  workflows.path: .
  encrypt.passphrase: my-secret-passphrase
    monitoring-token: my-monitoring-token
    management-token: my-management-token
    github-token: my-github-token
    admins: 123456789,234567890

    camunda.jdbc-url: jdbc:h2:file:./data/camunda;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE
    wdk.jdbc-url: jdbc:h2:file:./data/wdk;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE

Create Service Account

For any bot to work, it requires a service account with a matching username and public key. The Symphony Generator creates a configuration file based on the answers supplied, including the bot username and the path to the generated key pair. These can be changed by modifying the config.yaml file. If you do not already have a service account set up, follow the instructions on this page to continue.

Test your Bot

Create a sample workflow in ./workflows/ping.swadl.yaml

id: ping
  - send-message:
      id: pong
          content: /ping
      content: Pong

Launch the WDK bot using the respective command and wait for startup to complete

$ ./

Launch Symphony, send a /ping message to the bot and ensure it replies with Pong.

Build your Workflows

Now that you have a basic workflow project ready, you can proceed to find out more about building workflows using the WDK:

Last updated