Configure with the native connector


  1. A Desktop Integration Platform (DIP) is installed on your machine. The following platforms are supported:

    • Finsemble version 6.6.0 (recommended: 7.3.0+)

    • Glue42 version 3.15+

  2. Minimal Symphony pod version: SBE 20.14+

Configuration in the user settings

  • Select your desktop provider from the dropdown menu.

Desktop Integration Platform configuration

Symphony needs to be registered in the DIP App directory, so that it will be able to connect to the platform. This configuration step is specific to each platform.


Manually add an app entry into your finsemble app directory file (/public/configs/application/appd.json):

"symphony": {
            "appId": "symphony",
            "name": "symphony",
            "manifest": {
                "foreign": {
                    "components": {
                        "App Launcher": {
                            "launchableByUser": false
                        "Window Manager": {
                            "FSBLHeader": {
                                "hideClose": false,
                                "hideMaximize": false,
                                "hideMinimize": false
                "component": {
                    "singleton": true,
                    "spawnOnStartup": false,
                    "preload": []
                "interop": {
                    "selectConnect": [],
                    "autoConnect": true
            "manifestType": "finsemble",
            "version": "1",
            "description": "",
            "intents": [
                    "name": "StartChat",
                    "displayName": "Start Chat",
                    "contexts": [
		    "name": "ViewMessages",
		    "displayName": "View Messages",
		    "contexts": [
		    "name": "SendChatMessage",
		    "displayName": "Send Chat Message",
		    "contexts": [
		    "name": "ViewChat",
		    "displayName": "View Chat",
		    "contexts": [
		        "", "", "fdc3.contactList"
            "icons": [
                {"src": "", "sizes": "200x200"}


Add a new symphony.json file into your app directory folder (Tick42\UserData\{GLUE_INSTANCE}\apps):

    "name": "symphony",
    "title": "symphony",
    "hidden": true,
    "details": {
        "autoInjectFdc3": {
            "enabled": true
        "fdc3InitsGlue": true,
        "allowChannels": true
    "intents": [
            "name": "fdc3.ViewInstrument",
            "displayName": "View Instrument",
            "contexts": [
            "name": "fdc3.StartChat",
            "displayName": "Start Chart",
            "contexts": [
            "name": "fdc3.SendChatMessage",
            "displayName": "Send Chat Message",
            "contexts": [
            "name": "fdc3.ViewMessages",
            "displayName": "View Messages",
            "contexts": [
	    "name": "fdc3.ViewChat",
	    "displayName": "View Chat",
	    "contexts": [
	        "", "", "fdc3.contactList"

Once your configuration is complete, please have a look at our Troubleshooting guide to validate that everything is working.

Last updated